Express Js solutions In India

Unleashing the Power of Express.js with HostingRaja

The Express JS is a flexible and unbelievable nodejs based structure, which is broadly used by many developers in India. HostingRaja is a developer-friendly company and provides different choices to support the developers with effectively communicating the express js-based web applications. Nowadays, almost all application development depends on API, It can be an online application or versatile mobile-based applications, Whatever it might be express js is the best choice these days.

Ensure Node.js and NPM are installed on your server to kickstart your development journey. Benefit from the flexibility of Express.js, a popular web framework widely embraced by developers. Get started with ease and build powerful web applications.”. Our VPS hosting or cloud hosting Our hosting comes pre-configured with Express.js for immediate development. Simply specify your requirements when placing an order for a seamless setup.

Follow those steps to put in Express.js on your server, even though we offer preinstalled Express.js servers. Enjoy the flexibility to choose your preferred setup method./>Download the latest version of expressjs, You need to find the latest version and not this could be a older version.

wget these steps to unzip and install it
tar -xzvf node-v0.12.7.tar.gz
      cd node-v0.12.7
      make installOnce the installation is complete, follow these steps.
npm install -g express express-generator

Create new users using the following linux commands.

useradd expressuser
      passwd expressuser


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From programmer’s prespective, the advantages of Express.js

  1. The web application development based on node.js becomes fast and easy
  2. It is very easy to configure and customize as per needs
  3. It gives an option to define your own routes for your application based on HTTP methods and URLS.
  4. It gives option to integrate with other middleware modules developed by thirdparty, to perform other tasks quickly and better
  5. It can integrate very well with other templates engines
  6. The flexibility of REST API is one of the key success point
  7. Option to connect with various databases such as Mongo, MySQL and redis.

Preinstalled Express.js platform, dedicated support team for assistance.

But If you prefer to do it yourself, you can follow the installation step mentioned below. Note: This script is valid as of Nov-2018, This may become out dated in future.
echo -e "--------------------------------"
      echo -e "1.Node.js 6"
      echo -e "2.Node.js 8"
      echo -e "3.Node.js 9"
      echo -e "4.Node.js 10"
      echo -e "--------------------------------"
      echo -e "Enter your option >"
      read javaversion
      case "$javaversion" in
      #curl --silent --location | sudo bash -
      curl --silent --location | sudo bash -
      #curl --silent --location | sudo bash -
      curl --silent --location | sudo bash -
      curl --silent --location | sudo bash -
      curl --silent --location | sudo bash -
      *) echo -e "You have entered wrong option. Try aftesometime"
      mkdir /var/lib/rpm/backup
      cp -a /var/lib/rpm/__db* /var/lib/rpm/backup/
      rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db.[0-9][0-9]*
      rpm --quiet -qa
      rpm --rebuilddb
      yum clean all
      yum -y install nodejs git  gcc-c++ make
      npm install -g pm2
      npm install -g grunt-cli
      npm install -g gulp
      npm install webpack -g
      npm install express --save
      #cd /etc/sentora/
      #rm -f /etc/sentora/
      #wget  ""
      #unzip -o
      #rm -f /etc/sentora/
      chown apache. -R "/etc/sentora/panel"
      find /etc/sentora/panel -type f -exec chmod 644 {} +
      find /etc/sentora/panel -type d -exec chmod 755 {} +
      chmod +x /etc/sentora/panel/bin/setso
      chmod +x /etc/sentora/panel/bin/zsudo
      chmod +x /etc/sentora/panel/bin/setzadmin
      wget  ""
      unzip -o
      php nodejsmoduleenable.php
      rm -frv
      kill -9 $(lsof -t -i:80)
      kill -9 $(lsof -t -i:8080)
      #php /etc/sentora/panel/node.php
      setso --set apache_port 80
      setso --set sentora_port 80
      php /etc/sentora/panel/bin/daemon.php
      service lighttpd restart
      service varnish stop
      service httpd restart
      chkconfig varnish off

Experss.JS is one of the flexible back-end web application frameworks for NodeJs where it provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications. express not only a framework for the node js it is a module framework for Node where you can use it for an application that is based on a server that will take any input or connection requests from clients.

Today at HostingRaja we provide 4 different types of Express.js versions that are 6, 8, 9, 10. And by default, we have also provided task runner/ task manager- PM2, Grunt-CLI, gulp.js, Webpack, express- where a developer can easily automate many development tasks that he wants. Not only that we also provide a node js model through which you can easily map the port number with your domain name.

Advantages of Express.js

  • The foremost advantage of using Express.JS for backend development is that you would be able to scale your application fast.
  • You would be able to do the code of both frontend and backend with the help of using JavaScript.
  • Express.js web application development is made quick and simple.
  • Easy to operate static files and resources of your application.
  • Comprises of diverse middleware modules which you can utilize to accomplish additional tasks on request and response.
  • Easy to incorporate with various template engines like Jade, Vash, EJS, etc.
  • Let’s you specify an error-handling middleware.
  • Easier to configure and customize.
  • Permits you to build a REST API server.
  • Let’s you define the routes of your application based on HTTP methods and URLs.
  • Easy to link with databases such as MongoDB, Redis, MySQL

Here are some information 4 task manager of Express.js provided by HostingRaja;

Production Deployment

PM2 is also known as Production Process Manager, which is an open-source for Node.js applications that have a built-in load balancer. The developer and DevOps manager of Node.js applications is being helped by the Production Process Manager in the production environment. PM2 also allows you to keep your applications active forever and reloads them without any downtime. Production Process Manager(PM2) helps you with logging, monitoring, and clustering in the application.


Grunt is a command line Javascript task runner which is using Node.js platform. Basically, it runs on custom defined redundant tasks and manages process automation. So the main job of the grunt command is to load and run the version of Grunt you have installed locally to your project, irrespective of its version.


Gulp.Js is a project runner that is constructed on Node.js and npm, and used for automation of time-consuming and repetitive tasks which are concerned in internet improvement like minification, concatenation, cache busting, unit testing, linting, optimization, etc.


Webpack is an open-source JavaScript module bundler. And the main purpose of webpack is to bundle the JavaScript files for usage in a browser, and it also has the features like transforming, bundling, or packaging of any resources or asset. In webpack it takes the modules with dependencies and creates static assets that represent those modules.


Express is one of the minimal and flexible Node.js web application frameworks that provides a robust set of features to develop web and mobile applications. It promotes the rapid development of Node based Web applications.

Why use Express.js for web application development?

Express.Js is a ready-made NodeJs framework, it is a cost-effective and performance-based web application. Also, Express.js inheriting the functionality of Node.js expands the functionality of features to invent web applications and improve performance.

HostingRaja Windows Hosting FAQ’s

Start by requiring the Express module, create an instance of the Express application, define routes using HTTP methods, and start the server using the "app.listen()" method.

Middleware in Express.js are functions that have access to the request and response objects. They can modify the request/response, execute code, or pass control to the next middleware in the chain using "next()".

Express.js provides the "app.get()", "", "app.put()", and other similar methods to handle different HTTP routes. You can define route handlers for specific paths and HTTP methods.

Express.js supports various template engines like EJS, Pug, and Handlebars. You can set the template engine using "app.set()" and render views using the template engine's syntax.

Express.js provides error-handling middleware that can be added using "app.use()" with four parameters (err, req, res, next). You can define custom error handlers or use built-in error handling mechanisms.

"app.use()" is used to mount middleware functions, while "app.get()" is used to handle GET requests specifically. "app.use()" is called for every request, whereas "app.get()" is called only for GET requests.

To handle form data in Express.js, you can use the "body-parser" middleware to parse the request body. This allows you to access form data in the request object using "req.body".

Reviews from Express.js Application Customers
  • Profile


    28 Feb 2024

    I like express js application, it helps me to create a server in js with any issue. It is very simple to read and understand, So i used express instead of node js HTTP server and it was quite easy for me to use the application to build my website.

  • Profile

    Mohit Sharma

    01 Jan 2024

    For someone that doesn’t have a lot of experience in the web development side,it can be a little tricky to start understanding how to handle the connections, recognize the error types and learn about security, so express.js application from hostingraja was very much easier for us to develop our website easily.

  • Profile


    03 Apr 2024

    The best thing about Express.js from hostingraja is its Simplicity and flexibility,it provied a minimalist and light framework for building web application and Api’s in node js with Express.js developer can quickly setup routes and handle HTTP request and response and eaisly intigrate middleware for added functionality.