OviPanel Supported JS Frameworks

OviPanel supported Node.JS frameworks

Experience unparalleled support for Node.js frameworks with OviPanel. Elevate your web projects using renowned frameworks such as Express, Koa, and NestJS with ease.Seamlessly deploy, manage, and scale applications with our intuitive interface user-friendly interface. Benefit from OviPanel’s real-time monitoring and automatic updates for consistent framework performance. Unleash your creativity without the hassle of server management – OviPanel has got you covered. Join countless satisfied clientele who have leveraged Node.js frameworks through OviPanel’s streamlined experience. Upgrade your development process with OviPanel today!

Support for JavaScript Frameworks

Boost your JavaScript projects with OviPanel’s robust support. Launch, manage, and grow your JS projects effortlessly through our intuitive platform. Obtain real-time insights, automatic updates, and simplified server management, enabling you to focus on creating exceptional web solutions. Enhance your coding journey with OviPanel’s easy-to-use interface and supercharge your JavaScript development. Be a part of our community of satisfied clients who have transformed their projects using OviPanel’s advanced solutions. Improve your coding experience today and let OviPanel revolutionize your approach to JavaScript!

Affordable pricing

AngularJS is a powerful JavaScript framework for building dynamic web applications, offering declarative data binding and modular components.

Reliability and Security

Express Js

Express.js is a streamlined web application framework exclusively crafted for Node.js, aiming to streamline the development of resilient APIs and web applications through its simple routing and middleware capabilities.

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Next Js

Next.js is a React framework that enables server-side rendering and optimized routing, providing developers with a seamless way to build high-performance web applications.


Node.js is a runtime environment that allows developers to run JavaScript on the server side, facilitating the development of fast and scalable network applications.

High Performace

React.js is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, employing a component-based architecture to create dynamic and efficient UIs for web and mobile applications.

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Vue Js

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework that excels at building interactive user interfaces. Its approachable structure and flexible design make it a great choice for both simple projects and complex applications.

Determining the Required Node.js Version for Your Project

The first and foremost crucial step involves choosing a project to work on. For instance, let’s consider a simple JavaScript project. This project should contain a package.json file. If it doesn’t exist, we’ll need to create one in the same directory.

After creating our package.json file, we’ll use the ‘engines’ field to specify the required Node.js version for our project. We’ll then add a few lines to our package.json file, using a similar format to define the necessary Node.js version for the project.

Benefits of Node.js

Asynchronous and Non-Blocking I/O :

Node.js is built on an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which allows it to handle a large number of concurrent connections efficiently. This asynchronous nature enables applications to scale well and handle a high number of concurrent requests without becoming blocked or slowing down.

Single Language for Full Stack :
With Node.js, developers can use JavaScript for both frontend and backend development. This full-stack JavaScript approach streamlines development and reduces the need for context switching between different programming languages.

Fast Performance :
Due to its asynchronous and event-driven architecture, Node.js can handle I/O-heavy tasks more efficiently than traditional synchronous web servers. This leads to faster response times and better overall performance for web applications.

Abundant Collection of Resources:
Node.js boasts an extensive and lively collection of resources, famously referred to as npm (Node Package Manager). Through npm, developers gain entry to a plethora of open-source libraries and modules, enabling them to expedite development and utilize tools and assets supported by the community.

Compatibility Across Different Platforms :
Node.js is intentionally engineered to operate seamlessly on multiple operating systems, such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. This cross-platform adaptability simplifies the deployment and execution of applications across diverse environments.

Scalability :
The lightweight and event-driven nature of Node.js makes it highly scalable. It can handle a large number of concurrent connections with low resource consumption, making it suitable for building real-time applications and microservices architectures.

Easy to Learn :
If you are already familiar with JavaScript, learning Node.js becomes relatively straightforward. The transition from frontend development to backend development with Node.js is smoother, reducing the learning curve for developers.

Active Community and Support :
Node.js has a large and active community of developers, which contributes to its rapid growth and continuous improvement. This active community ensures ongoing support, regular updates, and the development of new tools and features.

Applications with Instant Data Updates :
Node.js excels in creating applications that require immediate data updates. This includes chat apps, online gaming platforms, collaborative tools, and live streaming services, all reliant on real-time data refreshes.

How Node.js works in a server environment:

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Receiving Client Requests

When a client (such as a web browser or a mobile app) sends a request to the server, the server handles the incoming request. Node.js can listen for incoming network requests on specific ports, such as HTTP requests on port 80 or HTTPS requests on port 443.

Reliability and Security

Asynchronous and Non-Blocking I/O

One of the key features of Node.js is its asynchronous and non-blocking I/O model. When Node.js receives a request, it doesn’t block the execution of other tasks. Instead, it delegates the handling of the request to a separate thread, allowing Node.js to continue processing other requests.

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Event-Driven Architecture

Node.js’s event-driven architecture enables efficient utilization of system resources by avoiding the need for blocking threads for each request. This design allows Node.js to handle a large number of concurrent connections with low memory overhead, making it a suitable choice for building real-time applications like chat applications, online gaming platforms, and streaming services.


Request Handling and Business

Upon receiving a request, Node.js employs JavaScript code to process it. Developers utilize JavaScript for crafting server-side logic, defining strategies for managing diverse request types, executing data processing tasks, and interacting with databases.

High Performace

Non-Blocking I/O Operations

Node.js excels in efficiently managing non-blocking I/O operations, such as interactions with databases, file systems, API calls, and various network-related tasks. By effectively handling these non-blocking tasks, Node.js ensures that the server remains responsive to incoming requests, even when dealing with multiple requests concurrently.

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Efficient Resource Utilization

Node.js optimizes resource utilization by employing a non-blocking event-driven architecture. It efficiently manages multiple client connections using a single-threaded event loop. This enables Node.js to handle numerous concurrent requests without creating new threads for each, reducing the overhead associated with traditional multi-threaded servers.

Installation of Node.js:

Step 1 :

  • Open the terminal on your computer, and then log in using the SSH method by entering the appropriate SSH command with the target server’s hostname or IP address
  • To check whether Node.js is installed on your system and to view the installed version, type the command “node -v”. This will display the installed Node.js version, if it is installed; otherwise, an error message will indicate that Node.js is not found.
  • Navigate to the Node.js installation script path in the terminal or command prompt. “ sh /scripts/nodejsinstallation.sh ”
  • Upon pressing “Enter,” a list of Node.js versions will be displayed. From the list, you can select the desired version by entering the corresponding number associated with that version and press “Enter”


Step 2 :

  • Following the installation of Node.js, you can confirm your chosen version by typing the command “node -v” into the terminal or command prompt. This action will reveal the currently installed Node.js version, confirming it aligns with your intended selection.


After that done Above this steps , now you can see node js module in UCP account :

Step 1 :

  • Open the panel and navigate to the “Client manager” section, then select the “Manager client” option.


Step 2 :

  • Create a UCP (User Control Panel) account. Once the account is successfully created, click on the “+” button to view the account details, and then proceed to click the “Login” button.


Step 3 :

  • In the search box, type “nodejs” to search for the Node.js module, and click the Node.js module.


Step 4 :

  • If you do not have any existing Node.js project and want to start from the beginning, you can follow the instructions in the “Install Node.js From scratch” section to set up your Node.js environment.
  • Please provide your domain name in the “Select Domain” option, enter the port number in the “Enter the port number” option
  • And feel free to choose your preferred “framework from the available options”. -> After filling the options, click the “Save” button.


Step 5 :

  • If you already have a Node.js project, you can utilize the “Domain Mapping” section.
  • Please fill in your domain name in the “Select Domain” option, then kindly enter the path of your main file for example (app.js) folder. Next, enter the port number you have configured in your main file
  • Lastly, you have the flexibility to choose your preferred js work from the available options.
  • After filling the options, click the “Save” button.


Which JavaScript frameworks are utilized in the project, such as React or Express.js?

React :


  • React is a frontend JavaScript library developed by Facebook. It is designed to build user interfaces for web applications, focusing on creating reusable UI components that efficiently update and render as the data changes. React follows a component-based architecture, where different parts of the user interface are broken down into small, self-contained components, making it easier to manage and maintain complex UI structures.

Key Features of React :

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Virtual DOM

React uses a Virtual DOM to optimize the updating process, ensuring that only the necessary changes are applied to the actual DOM, leading to improved performance.

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Benefits and Advantages of React

Improved Performance: React’s Virtual DOM efficiently manages changes to the actual DOM, minimizing unnecessary re-rendering of components. This optimization results in faster updates and improved overall performance, particularly in complex applications.

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Ease of Learning

React’s simple and intuitive API makes it relatively easy for developers to learn and start building applications quickly, especially those familiar with JavaScript and HTML.


Large Community and Ecosystem

React has a vast and active community of developers, which means abundant resources, libraries, and third-party tools available for enhancing the development process and extending functionality.

High Performace


Since React renders the initial UI on the server-side before sending it to the client, it improves search engine optimization (SEO) compared to fully client-side-rendered applications.

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Declarative Syntax

React’s declarative approach allows developers to describe what the UI should look like based on the application’s current state. This makes the code more predictable, easier to understand, and less prone to bugs.

How React Works :

  • Component-Based Architecture: React follows a component-based architecture, where UI elements are broken down into small, reusable components. Each component represents a specific piece of the user interface and its behavior.
  • Virtual DOM and Efficient Updates: React maintains a Virtual DOM, a lightweight copy of the actual DOM. When the application state changes, React creates a new Virtual DOM and performs a “diffing” process to identify the minimal set of changes needed to update the actual DOM. This approach reduces the number of DOM manipulations, resulting in improved performance.
  • State Management: React allows developers to manage state, which represents the data that can change over time and impact the user interface. By managing state carefully, React ensures that the UI updates appropriately when data changes occur.
  • Rendering and Reconciliation: When a component’s state changes, React re-renders that component and its children, comparing the new Virtual DOM with the previous one. This process, known as reconciliation, identifies the changes and efficiently updates the actual DOM accordingly.
  • React Native for Mobile: React Native extends the benefits of React to mobile app development. Developers can use JavaScript and React to create cross-platform mobile applications, sharing a substantial amount of code between iOS and Android platforms.

Express.js :


Express.js is a backend web application framework for Node.js, making it ideal for building server-side applications and APIs. It provides a set of features and utilities to simplify the development process and handle common tasks like routing, middleware integration, and HTTP request handling. Express.js is known for its simplicity and flexibility, allowing developers to build lightweight and scalable server-side applications with ease.

Key Features of Express.js :


Express.js offers a straightforward routing system that maps incoming HTTP requests to specific handler functions, making it easy to define endpoints for different functionalities in the application.

Middleware Support:

Middleware functions in Express.js allow developers to perform tasks like authentication, logging, and data parsing, enhancing the application’s functionality and maintainability.

Template Engines:

Express.js supports various template engines like EJS and Handlebars, enabling developers to render dynamic HTML content easily.


Express.js is designed with modularity in mind, allowing developers to add third-party modules or custom middleware to extend the application’s capabilities.

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Simplicity and Minimalism

Express.js follows a minimalist approach, providing only essential features and leaving the rest to third-party middleware and modules. This simplicity makes it easy for developers to understand and work with the framework.

Reliability and Security


Express.js allows developers to structure their applications in a way that suits their specific needs. It does not impose rigid patterns or conventions, giving developers the freedom to design their server-side logic as they see fit.

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Large Ecosystem

Express.js benefits from a vast ecosystem of middleware and extensions developed by the community. This extensive collection of modules allows developers to add various functionalities to their applications without reinventing the wheel.


Fast Development

With its straightforward syntax and lightweight design, Express.js facilitates rapid development. Developers can quickly build server-side applications and APIs, saving time and effort in the development process.

High Performace


Despite its simplicity, Express.js is well-suited for building scalable applications. Developers can adopt patterns and practices that cater to high-traffic and complex applications, ensuring stability as the project grows.

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Middleware Support

Express.js leverages middleware to perform various tasks, such as request parsing, authentication, logging, and error handling. This modular approach improves code organization and maintainability.

How Express.js Works :

Setting Up the Server:

Developers start by creating an Express.js application and setting up the server by defining a port number and configuring any necessary middleware.


Express.js provides a routing mechanism to map incoming HTTP requests to specific handler functions. These handlers, also known as route callbacks, define how the application responds to different endpoints and HTTP methods.

Middleware Execution:

Middleware functions can be added before or after the route callbacks. These functions can modify the request and response objects, perform tasks like data validation, and pass control to the next middleware or route handler.

Request Handling:

When an HTTP request is received, Express.js processes it through the defined middleware and routes, executing the appropriate handler function for the requested endpoint.

Response Generation:

Based on the handler’s logic, Express.js generates an HTTP response and sends it back to the client with the required data or HTML content.

Template Engines:

For rendering dynamic HTML content, Express.js supports various template engines like EJS and Handlebars. These engines allow developers to inject data into HTML templates and render dynamic web pages.

Modularity and Extensions:

Express.js is highly modular, allowing developers to extend its capabilities with third-party middleware or custom modules. This modularity enables the integration of additional functionalities as needed.

Combining React and Express.js:

When building a full-stack web application, React.js and Express.js are often used together. React takes care of rendering the user interface on the client-side and handling user interactions, while Express.js handles server-side logic, database interactions, and APIs.

React communicates with Express.js through HTTP requests, commonly using RESTful APIs. The frontend and backend can run independently, allowing for a clear separation of concerns and enhancing the overall application’s scalability and maintainability.

  • Profile

    Dhanasekar Mani
    Founder Of HostingRaja

    Dhanasekar Mani, a seasoned SEO Specialist and Entrepreneur, brings over 23 years of expertise in software development. As the esteemed founder of HostingRaja and Webbazaar, he has played a pivotal role in shaping these ventures. He contributed to pioneering patented technologies, solidifying his impactful presence in the tech industry.