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to Get Your Website to Load Faster

We will bring down your website loading time less than 3 Seconds

It will cost around 60K to 1 Lakh Per Website

Loading Time Optimization

How it Works?

Let us know your website details. We will migrate to HostingRaja cloud and ensure that, It loads faster than before. If it works, you can continue with HostingRaja. We are one of the best web hosting companies in India, else you can stay with your existing provider.

Load Time Affects User Satisfaction

  • Research has shown that download speed is the most important Web design feature to Web users.
  • Site speed is one of the most important factors affecting visitor's sense of flow on a site
    flow meaning:
  • An optional experience where users are fully engaged in an activity.
  • A 2009 forrester study found that 23% of dissatisfied online shoppers attribute their dissatisfaction to slowly loading web pages.

Performance Affects Shopping Behaviour

47% of Consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less

40% abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load

79% of shoppers who are dissatisfied with website performance are less likely to buy from the same site again

52% of online shoppers state that quick page loading is important to their site loyalty

Stop Worring about slow loading time, Leave it to experts

We can help you in improving the loading time of your website. Simply go for Cloud Hosting or VPS Hosting from HostingRaja. We will certainly improve your website loading time. We can gurantee to load your website within 4 ~ 5 seconds. 

Every Second Counts

  • Slow loading sites frustrate users and negatively impact publishers. In our new study, "The Need for Mobile Speed", we fount that 53% of the mobile site visitors are abandoned if pages take longer than 3 seconds to load.
  • A presentation by Aliexpress claimed they reduced load time for their pages by 36% and recorded a 10.5% increase in orders and a 27% increase in conversion rates for new customer.
  • A 2-second delay in load time during a transaction resulted in abandonment rates of up to 87%. This is significantly higher than the baseline abandonment rate of 67%.

Why Does Google Cares?

Recently Google announced that the website speed is now part of its search ranking algorithm - which means that if your website needs to rank better in the Google search results then it should load faster. Because take considers that users don't like a website that loads slowly and will affect any website ranking. Moreover, if your website is loading faster then there are a lot of SEO benefits for your website.

Try Us to Solve This Issue!

Optimize your website on the server

  • Host Your Assets Separately
  • Compression with Easy Gzip
  • Minimize Your Re-directs
  • Reduce Your DNS lookups

Optimize Assets Through CSS, Jscripts, Images

  • Easy Merging of multiple Java Scripts into one
  • Compress Of Javascript & CSS
  • Easy Customize Caching/Header expiry
  • Easy Offload the assets

Contact Us

to Get Your Website to Load Faster

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